「保誠香港網球公開賽2023」 - 10月12日每日精華 Prudential Hong Kong Tennis Open 2023 - 12 October Highlights

網球主場首輪賽事由四號種子、中國球手王欣瑜對陣現時世界排名第57位的西班牙球手蘇莉比絲(Sara Sorribes Tormo)。首盤賽事,王欣瑜錯失4個發球局,蘇莉比絲以6-4先拿下一盤。第二盤對陣,在錯失兩個盤點後,王欣瑜並沒有氣餒,繼續第三次嘗試並成功把握盤點,以6-4的比分拿下第二盤,贏得全場觀眾歡呼。王欣瑜雖有不少亮眼發揮,但似乎未在最好狀態,最終以4-6,6-4,1-6的比分結束比賽。

網球主場第二場賽事由「保誠香港網球公開賽2017」冠軍柏芙尤真高娃(Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova)碰上二號種子、巴西球手夏達馬雅。柏芙尤真高娃(Beatriz Haddad Maia)以7-5的比分獲首盤險勝,但第二盤夏達馬雅扳回一城;雙方有來有往,柏芙尤真高娃在第三盤發揮出色,以7-5,1-6,6-1的比分擊敗對手,晉級半準決賽。

是日重頭戲之一為「美國網球公開賽2021」亞軍、加拿大球手費蘭迪絲(Leylah Fernandez)於網球主場對戰網壇超新星安祖莉娃(Mirra Andreeva)。二人實力相當,最終費蘭迪絲以3-6,6-1,6-3的比分取勝,她於賽後表示:「面對安祖莉娃這位了不起的對手,今天的比賽勝之不易。我為自己的出色發揮感到自豪,亦非常感謝現場球迷的鼓勵。這是我首次來港,更是我第一次在維園比賽。我接收到本地球迷的喜愛和積極能量。希望我能堅持戰至最後一刻!」
本地雙打王牌張瑋桓夥拍王康怡於網球主場最後一場賽事挑戰雙打頭號種子丹妮蓮娜(Anna Danilina)和柏露娃(Alexandra Panova)。兩位香港女將在亞運後再度合作,展示出驚人的默契及拼搏精神,以6-3率先拿下一盤;後被丹妮蓮娜和柏露娃追至1比1平,展開第三盤決勝局。最終,二人以6-3,0-6 [7-10]的比分無悔結束WTA250巡迴賽之旅。
(12 October 2023, HONG KONG) The second round of the singles main draw of the Prudential Hong Kong Tennis Open (“PHKTO”) 2023 wrapped up today.
Today’s play kicked-off on Centre Court with the No.4 seeded player, China’s Wang Xinyu up against 57th-ranked Spaniard Sara Sorribes Tormo. Wang yielded her serve four times to lose the opening set against Sorribes Tormo 6-4. After squandering the first couple of set points, Wang Xinyu managed to convert on her third attempt, to the crowd's delight, to snatch the second set 6-4. Although Wang showed the Hong Kong crowd flashes of her brilliance, the error-strewn No. 4 seed today was defeated by Sorribes Torma 6-4 4-6 6-1.
Following the first Centre Court match today, PHKTO 2017 singles champion Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova took on No.2 seeded player, Brazilian Beatriz Haddad Maia. Pavlyuchenkova took the hard-fought opening set 7-5 against Haddad Maia. Yet Haddad Maia held 6-1 to even the match at one set all. In an incredible display of placement and power in the third set, Pavlyuchenkova took out Haddad Maia 7-5 1-6 6-1 to move on to the quarterfinals.
Pavlyuchenkova said: "I'm very happy with the win, especially with the way I performed in the third set. She's obviously a top player, so I am very pleased. I will never forget that 2017 final that lasted past midnight with the typhoon situation and everything. It will always be special for me here.”
The evening feature match saw the 2021 US Open finalist, Canada's Leylah Fernandez take to the court against 16-year-old phenom Mirra Andreeva. Fernandez said after her 3-6 6-1 6-3 victory over Andreeva: "Today was a tough match. Mirra is an amazing player. Proud of the way I played, thanks to the encouragement of the crowd today, thank you so much. It's my first time in Hong Kong, first time playing here. I'm feeling the love, feeling the energy. Hopefully, I can be here all week!”
Hong Kong doubles aces Eudice Chong & Cody Wong faced doubles No.1 seeds Anna Danilina & Alexandra Panova in the last match on Centre Court. Eudice and Cody teamed up once again following the recent Asian Games, performing well to take the first set 6-3. Danilina and Panova forced a third set super-tiebreak, which they took to finish the match with a 3-6 6-0 [10-7] scoreline, thus ending Eudice and Cody’s tournament.
Information and photo source : The Fox Creation / Hong Kong Tennis Open