「國泰/滙豐香港國際七人欖球賽2023」開波又開派對喇! It’s Play On! Party On! at the Cathay/HSBC Hong Kong Sevens 2023
[2023年2月24日,香港]: 集世界級欖球、無間斷音樂、舞蹈和玩樂的「國泰/滙豐香港國際七人欖球賽」將於2023年全面回歸香港大球場,球迷們屆時定會忘我投入、盡情歡呼喝采。
國泰品牌、洞察及市務傳訊部總經理鍾橋軒(Edward Bell)贊成道:「『國泰/滙豐香港國際七人欖球賽2023』吸引世界各地的觀眾來港參與。40多年來,國泰一直是這項國際體壇盛事的冠名贊助商,我們很高興今年能繼續為香港再創奇蹟。」
一連三天的欖球盛會中,觀眾們將被熱鬧澎湃的娛樂吸引。星級表演陣容包括比利時歷來最出名的全才藝人Plastic Bertrand,其風靡全球的Ça Plane Pour Moi 在Spotify上已被下載 8100萬次,屆時, “Ouh-Ouh-Ouh-Ouh!” 之聲將響徹北看台。
南看台的觀眾準備狂歡!當今亞洲最有名氣的打碟美女,來自韓國的DJ Soda將於賽事的星期日現身「七欖」,為現場觀眾帶動氣氛!如你未曾一睹她的才華,請追踪她那逾490萬粉絲的Instagram,並欣賞她那爆紅的笛子舞表演。
音樂風格以斯卡(Ska)聞名的本地樂隊The Red Stripes也將回歸,為週六的派對拉開序幕。賽事常駐唱片騎師「Simons 孖寶」(Southgate和 Willison)和Ben Cullen也將在整個「七欖」週末為球迷帶來歡樂。
欖球週的焦點活動包括My Name’5 Doddie Foundation於3月29日(星期三)假香港君悅酒店舉辦的「Greatest Rugby Dinner in the World」,以支持運動神經細胞疾病研究;還有於3月30日(星期四)假香港足球會舉行的「畢馬威英國商會欖球晚宴」和「香港大學沙灣欖球晚宴」;以及於3月31日(星期五)假香港足球會舉行的「Carbine Club欖球午宴」及4月1日(星期六)的「香港蘇格蘭人欖球午宴」。
一連三日舉行的世界頂尖七人欖球賽再加上以上種種,大家都可以開始準備戰衣,齊齊重投七欖狂熱!「Play On! 勢不可擋!」一起為「國泰/滙豐香港國際七人欖球賽」派對倒數!
[Hong Kong, 24 February 2023]: The Cathay/HSBC Hong Kong Sevens party is set to return to the Hong Kong Stadium in 2023 with a full slate of world class rugby and non-stop music, dance and fun as Hong Kong rugby fans get set to celebrate!
The return of the full Hong Kong Sevens experience was welcomed by the event’s tournament co-sponsors, HSBC and Cathay.
Brian Hui, Head of Customer Propositions and Marketing, Wealth and Personal Banking, Hong Kong, HSBC, said: “HSBC has been a proud sponsor of the Hong Kong Sevens for decades. The tournament has always had a very special place in our corporate calendar. With quarantine-free travel and relaxation of most COVID measures, our global leaders will convene in Hong Kong this March and celebrate our international connections with customers. We look forward to experiencing a bigger and better Hong Kong Sevens in 2023.”
“The 2023 Cathay/HSBC Hong Kong Sevens is the event where people from all around the world come to Hong Kong to play. Cathay has been a title sponsor of this iconic event for over 40 years and we are thrilled to continue to help make the magic happen for Hong Kong again this year,” said Edward Bell, General Manager, Brand, Insights, and Marketing Communications, Cathay.
Bums should never be on seats with an all-star set list on offer over three entertainment-packed days, including Belgium’s greatest ever pop star, Plastic Bertrand, whose anthemic Ca Plane Pour Moi has been downloaded 81 million times on Spotify... All together now North Stand, “Ouh-Ouh-Ouh-Ouh!”
Standby South Stand! Sevens Sunday sees South Korea’s sensational, DJ Soda! If you’ve never watched this musical maestro in action, join her 4.9 million followers on Instagram and check out the signature “flute dance”.
After Hong Kong’s music artists proved to the world last November that they can rock out with the best of them, pride of place has once again been reserved for our local icons with a surprise opening ceremony performance from one of Cantopop’s top award-winning artists.
The city’s superlative Ska band, The Red Stripes, are also set to return to kick off the party on Saturday, and throughout the weekend the Sevens’ resident DJs, the Two Simons (Southgate and Willison), and Ben Cullen, will keep the bodies rocking.
Hong Kong’s rugby families embracing the return of the world-famous Teams and Minis march past on event weekend, while another special performance will be featured on Friday from 30 members of the PLK ONE23 Dance Troupe performing a dance routine especially choreographed for the Cathay/HSBC Hong Kong Sevens.
“Buddy Rugby” brings together students from mainstream and special education schools, and uses rugby - and now dance - to break down prejudice and build understanding and friendship. The HKRU Community Foundation supported programme is marking its fifth anniversary in 2023.
The event organizers also welcome the return of the famed ‘Rugby Week in Hong Kong’ with the return of the usual rugby week calendar of corporate events and dinners making a welcome comeback.
Amongst the highlights of the week are the My Name’5 Doddie Foundation’s “Greatest Rugby Dinner in the World” at the Grand Hyatt in aid of MND research on 29 March, The KPMG BritCham Rugby Dinner at Hong Kong Football Club on Thursday 30 March and the HKU Sandy Bay Rugby Dinner and on Friday the Carbine Club Rugby Lunch at HKFC and on Saturday the Hong Kong Scottish Rugby Lunch.
With all of this - and three days of the world’s best rugby sevens - start thinking about that costume and Party On! at the Cathay/HSBC Hong Kong Sevens 2023.
Tickets are now on sale via the event ticketing platform: www.tickets.hkrugby.com.
Information and Photo Source :
Elite Step Asia Limited / Cathay/HSBC Hong Kong Sevens